Fertility & Reproductive Reflexology

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Fertility & Reproductive Reflexology

Barbara Scott’s Method

Treatment: $140 / 75 min

There are lot of reasons why it could be challenging for couples to conceive as fertility depends on many factors. Statistics say that one in six couples have difficulties conceiving and that fertility issues are shared almost equally between females and males.

In females it could be anything from a different gynaecological conditions like PCOS (Policistic Ovarian Syndrome), Endometriosis, low levels of hormones, a high stress levels, vitamin deficiencies…or other issues.

In males, any number of underlying gynaecological conditions, hormone imbalances or a sperm health can contribute to fertility issues.

Reproductive reflexology is a natural, evidence-based reflexology treatment designed to treat and support clients either wanting to conceive naturally or to support clients through an assisted conception in which case the treatment protocols are used to enhance the efficacy of drugs used.

This specialised treatment uses an individually structured and prescriptive protocols and techniques and is also used to address the wide range of reproductive issues in both women and men.

It is a therapy treatment that can be incorporated into other treatments, for example a Facial Reflexology to address either strengthening the Immune system or calming down the body and regulating stress levels.

Reproflexology can assist with:

  • Regulating menstrual cycle

  • Regulating hormone imbalances, ie. progesterone deficiencies

  • Manage stress levels

  • PCOS

  • Endometriosis

  • In males- improving sperm quality

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Book a session with us.

Give us a call at 0431 646 665 or get in touch with us via email below.

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