Temprana: Reflex Therapy

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Brain Rehabilitation & Home Training Course

Original method by Lone Sorensen

Brain Rehabilitation

90 min ….. $210

Temprana Brain Rehab & Home Training Course

See pricing list

As the only Temprana instructor in Australia, I am very excited to offer this exclusive rehabilitation treatment method for children and adults with any neurological problems. The concept has been developed by Lone Sorensen and practiced all over the world for over 20 years.


Temprana Reflex Therapy is a highly specialised brain re-training therapy usually based at client’s home, composed of precise manual neurological stimulation techniques of face-feet-hands, muscle reflex therapy and Brain Gym. It is used for a wide range of neurological conditions, genetic and non-genetic syndromes, learning and behaviour disorders, psychological and mental dysfunctions.

By stimulating reflex areas and points on the face, feet and hands, electrical impulses are sent through the Central Nervous System to the brain, where neurotransmitters will be charged. The charged impulses are sent back to the body; organs and glands to help regulate all body processes and the body’s self- healing process.

The brain possesses certain plasticity, which means it has the ability to form new neural connections, a process that is positively influenced by intense Temprana Reflex Therapy through specific techniques and modulation stimulation and in turn, re- activates brain and nervous system’s ability to change.

Temprana reflex therapy is a very personalised and intensive rehabilitation home training program, where depending on each person’s situation, has to be implemented 4-7 times per week.

Based on a consultation and assessment of a child or an adult, the Temprana Instructor constructs and develops an individual treatment program. Parents are trained in performing the treatment techniques over the duration 3 days. The treatment is carried out in your family home and is revised every 3 months.

For the fresh impulses to be carried to and from the brain, it is important that 3- monthly protocol adjustments are done because when nerve points are being intensely stimulated, after a while they become ‘dull’ and lose their effectiveness.

Two people with the same diagnosis will never be given the same program; everyone has a unique medical history- not two people are alike.

The Temprana Reflex therapy also helps to stimulate hormone and body functions and helps with sensory dysfunctions. By stimulating the endocrine and lymphatic systems, Temprana Reflex Therapy increases the secretion of waste substances, providing better condition for the immune system.

Temprana is a totally natural therapy treatment that uses no drugs, has no side-effects and is suitable for children and adults with all types of neurological disabilities as it may help with:

  • Motor sensitive disorders

  • Epilepsy

  • Disorders of the Hypothalamus and other hormonal disorders

  • Cognitive functions: attention, memory,

  • Learning and behaviour difficulties

  • and more…

  • Neurological disorders, eg. Cerebral Palsy, CVA,

  • Spasticity

  • Traumatic brain injury

  • Speech and language disorders

  • Vision and hearing problems

  • Lack of muscle tone

  • Autism Spectrum disorders


Brain Gym

Set of exercises that activate the whole brain and speed up the recovery

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Movement is very important in every child’s development and is the key to learning. Therefore, the Brain Gym is often incorporated with the Temprana Reflex Therapy treatments or added as a part of a protocol for children with special needs to accelerate the treatment progress.

When both sides of the brain work simultaneously, learning ability is increased and more superior neural functions are engaged.

Exercises are prescribed depending on dysfunction treated and are a great addition to child’s Temprana or a Facial Reflex Therapy protocol.

It helps with:

  • Better concentration and improved memory

  • Improving writing, spelling and reading

  • Improves coordination between the brain and the rest of the body

  • Increased capacity of visual integration

  • Integration of auditory capacity

  • Integration of touch

  • Helps develop time/ space integration

  • And more…

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Book a session with us.

Give us a call at 0431 646 665 or get in touch with us via email below.

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