Foot Reflexology & RLD

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Foot Reflexology

Treatment: $140 / 75 min

Foot Reflexology is a holistic, non- invasive therapy method based on the principle that there are reflex areas/ zones on our feet and hands that correspond to all of the organs, glands and other structures in our body.

This gentle, natural and relaxing foot therapy balances all body systems and is done by applying a constant pressure over the reflex points and zones using specific finger and thumb techniques, delivering a direct effect upon the corresponding body structure to initiate the body’s own healing response.

Through Foot Reflexology stimulation, a deep relaxation, increased circulation and nerve innervation can be achieved, helping the body to re-balance and achieve healing and wellbeing in a relaxing, rejuvenating and therapeutic way. Over the years, Reflexology has grown in popularity as an effective and safe complementary therapy that works very well in conjunction with other holistic therapies and medical treatments.

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When the body is functioning optimally, we say it is in a state of homeostasis or balance. The goal of Reflexology is to help the body return to this state of balance by elimination of toxins and the decongestion of blocked energy and neural pathways. When the body and mind experience a deep level of relaxation and stillness, this in turn encourages and assists body’s healing ability. A fresh and rejuvenated mind is able to function better, focus, decision making becomes easier, level of pain decreases and you are able to cope with everyday challenges.


Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage

RLD - Sally Kay’s Method

Treatment: $140 / hr

The body’s Lymphatic system is a network of many vessels and lymph nodes that remove the accumulated excess fluid from the body tissues and returns it to the blood stream.

Good lymphatic drainage gets rid of the toxins and helps to reduce the inflammation in the body.

Movement is required for the Lymphatic system to work properly.

Unlike the circulatory system that with the help of the heart pumps the blood around the body even when we’re not moving, the lymphatic system has no ‘pump’ and it depends on a muscle contractions and other structures of the Lymphatic system to move the excess fluid back into the circulation. When this doesn’t happen normally, we get the swelling in the tissue.

Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage treatment is performed on the feet. It can be done as a stand- alone technique or incorporated into a full either feet or face reflexology treatments.

Suitable For:

  • autoimmune/ immune conditions

  • secondary lymphoedema

  • general detox

  • chronic inflammation issues

  • post certain surgical procedures, i.e. tummy tuck

  • post breast reduction/enlargements

  • And more…

Before RLD

Before RLD

After RLD

After RLD

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Book a session with us.

Give us a call at 0431 646 665 or get in touch with us via email below.

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