Specialised Neuro Reflex Therapy Programs: Sorensensistem

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Trauma Release Program

Facial Reflex Therapy Original Method- Sorensensistem TM

Treatment: $140 / 75 min

About the Program

Specialized and unique technique that consists of manually stimulating different areas and points of micro systems on the face and feet to release trauma and emotions that are stored in the body’s cell memory, the Limbic system and the Amygdala.

During this gentle stimulation, you will reach a point of deep relaxation and achieve a meditative state that helps to regulate the breathing and a heartbeat necessary for the body to release emotional toxins, as old traumas are stored in both the conscious and unconscious mind.

With the Trauma Reflex Therapy, the body and brain’s hormonal levels will regulate the neurobiological process and balance neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine and release anti- stress hormones.

When the balance of the internal chemistry is normal, you will feel in peace with your body, mind and soul. You will regain the energy and be able to control your world again, think sharp and feel clear and focused.

Suitable For

This method can be used for children, adolescents, adults and elderly to help with:

  • Stress                 

  • Trauma

  • Post- traumatic disorders

  • Emotional imbalances

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Mental exhaustion; burnouts

  • Highly recommended for Carers

  • Dealing with grief

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Vagus Nerve Stimulation Program

Facial Reflex Therapy Original Method- Sorensensistem TM

Treatment: $140 / 75 min

About the Program

Normally, there is always a balance between the two subdivisions of nervous systems as they work simultaneously keeping the body in a harmonious state; sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

Every time we find ourselves in a stressful situation, our sympathetic nervous system is activated and is preparing us for a perceived threat that triggers body’s FIGHT or FLIGHT response. Short term, the protective action of this system is very useful, but if the body doesn’t self- regulate and come back into the relaxed state, living by the hormones of stress long term can be very damaging to the overall health.

The other one, the parasympathetic nervous system, which the VAGUS nerve is the main component of, counterbalances that action regulating many of the body processes to return the body back in the REST- RELAX- DIGEST state as the danger is no longer present.

Having a good function of the Vagus nerve is extremely important as it regulates:

Breathing, emotions, gut health, digestion, speech, swallowing, blood pressure, strengthens immune system, it is connected to the Oxytocin (love hormone) receptors, orgasms, bladder movement…

When functioning of the Vagus nerve is not able to perform to the best of its ability, the body and mind become susceptible to a range of health condition, like depression, anxiety, obesity, diabetes, digestive disorders, chronic inflammation…

Using Facial Reflexology to stimulate Vagus nerve has proven to be a very effective way to increase Vagal tone.

This natural and very relaxing therapy has a very positive impact on the Vagus neve through the precise gentle touch- stimulation of different microsystem zones and specific neuro points on the face, scalp, ears and feet, transmitting nerve impulses to targeted areas of the brain and nervous system.

The whole parasympathetic system is engaged, the heart rate and breathing slow down and the body enters a relaxed state where the body’s RELAX- REST- DIGEST response is fully activated.

By keeping the Vagus nerve in good health, you are able to increase/ engage all the higher emotions:

Suitable For

This regulation can be achieved by Vagus nerve stimulation as it counterbalances the flight/ fight body response and therefore it is possible to improve many health issues, like:

  • Regulates the gut-brain connection; bi-directional transportation of neurotransmitters

  • Calms the body, reduces stress, depression and anxiety

  • Helps with better sleep

  • Improves digestion

  • Regulates the resting heart rhythm, BP, sweating, blood sugar levels

  • Improves the loss of voice, hoarse or wheezy voice, gag-reflex, control of saliva

  • And many more…


Pons Cranial Nerve Stimulation

Facial Reflex Therapy Original Method- Sorensensistem TM

Treatment: $140 / 75 min

About the Program

This unique and natural method of Neuro Reflex Therapy manually stimulates cranial nerves that originate from Pons stimulation area of the brain and regulate different sensory and/or motor functions, from facial expression and sensation, eye movement, chewing, swallowing, touch and pain, spasticity, speech, hearing and more…


Suitable For

With Pons stimulation we can help clients of all ages that have issues with:

  • Spasticity / low muscle tone

  • Bell’s Palsy

  • Scoliosis

  • Jaw deviation

  • Whiplash

  • Tongue function

  • Speech

  • TMJ

  • Tinnitus

  • Loss of taste and smell

  • And much more…

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Before Pons Stimulation

Before Pons Stimulation

After Pons Stimulation

After Pons Stimulation

The photos above show Gerger, 21 yo, born with Cerebral Palsy
March 2019 - May 2019

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Fibromyalgia Program

Facial Reflex Therapy Original Method- Sorensensistem TM

Treatment: $140 / 75 min

About the Program

Fibromyalgia (fibromyalgia syndrome- FMS) is a chronic condition that is characterised by a widespread body pain together with a heightened sensitivity to touch and is very difficult to diagnose.

Women are more likely to develop fibromyalgia than men.

Research suggests that Fibromyalgia is not an autoimmune or inflammation-based illness; but that a Nervous System is involved in a way that it amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way the brain processes pain signals. It is the connection between the hormonal system, Limbic centre part of the brain with a particular centres of the brain.

By stimulating the reflex zones and neuro points on the face and feet, the function of the CNS can be normalised.

Suitable For

The Nerve Reflex Therapy is a promising treatment for symptoms such as:

  • Headaches

  • Muscle twitches and cramps

  • Numbness and tingling in hands and feet

  • Jaw problems, stiffness in TMJ joints

  • And more…

  • Fatigue

  • Lack of energy

  • Pain in muscles and specific parts of the body

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Depression or anxiety

  • Memory problems and trouble concentrating

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Facial Reflex Therapy Original Method- Sorensensistem TM

Treatment: $140 / 75 min

Addiction can be described as craving for something intensely, loss of control over its use, and continuing involvement with it, despite adverse consequences.

The brain registers any kind of pleasure in the same way, whether they originate from a psychoactive drug, a monetary reward, sexual encounter, or a satisfying meal. In the brain, pleasure has a distinct signature: the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine. The most common addictions that people seek help for:

Smoking, medication, currently on drugs/ alcohol, eating disorders, sugar, behaviour addictions, phone, computer games, TV…

These days, unfortunately, a few of those addictions we see in a very young children.

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To successfully overcome addictions, it is not enough for person to simply has a strong desire to quit. The process of addiction is a complex one that is not just influenced by the will of the person, but it involves an intricate interrelated work of many of the body and brain structures and substances.

Facial Reflexology helps in balancing and improving the neural connection between the body, the hormones, the CNS and the brain. Stimulation of neuro zones and points that have a direct link with the structures involved, results in strengthening of the energy, achieves calmness of the body in a balanced way and reduces the unpleasant feelings of irritability, tension and cravings.

At the same time, it puts the body in a deep relaxation which promotes mental clarity, emotional calm and a peaceful, stable state of awareness and being.

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Book a session with us.

Give us a call at 0431 646 665 or get in touch with us via email below.

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